
”Who is supported by sustainable development?” and GORA / Lika 2016

Press conference ”Who is supported by sustainable development?” and GORA / Lika 2016 (First manifestation of sustainable development in Gospić) will be held on Thursday, 19 May 2016 at 12 am at the Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar in Zagreb.

Speakers at the press conference will be: Mr. Peter Krmpotić, Mayor of the City of Gospić, Prof. Ph. D. Vlado Šakić, Director of the Pilar Institute, Ph. D. Anita Bušljeta Tonković, Member of Programme and organizing board Annales Pilar.
Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, in cooperation with the City of Gospić is organizing a traditional 15th scientific conference Annales Pilar 2016 : ''Who is supported by sustainable development?''. The event will be held on Friday, 27 May 2016 at the regional center of the Institute Pilar in Gospić.
This year's Annales Pilar 2016 is part of the two-day event in Gospić – Days of sustainable development GORA / Lika organized by City of Gospić on 27th-28th May 2016. The main goal of Days of sustainable development GORA / Lika is to highlight the importance of sustainable development, both in planning the present and in shaping the development of guidelines in the future.