
PRO PR Globe Awards


The PRO PR GLOBE Awards was founded in 2012, and its award ceremony will be held for the 11th time in a row, next year, on Friday, 5th of May, 2023 as part of the 20th

International PRO PR Conference at Hotel Jezero at the Plitvice Lakes in Croatia, which is organized from May 4th to 7th.

In accordance with the regulations, the nomination process started this year where former winners of this award nominate future winners. As part of the PRO PR GLOBE Awards, PRO PR Vision Manager, PRO PR Vision City, and PRO PR Infigo Award are also given.

PRO PR GLOBE Awards is a unique award program that awards recognition to individuals who independently, with the support of their teams, realized a vision of prosperity through communications for their organizations, and also the public relations industry, following ethical standards. The Rulebook on awarding recognition is a publicly available document on the official website:, where you can find out more information about the conference, the PRO PR GLOBE Awards, former winners, and the international PRO PR conference itself.

PRO PR GLOBE Awards recognitions were created after analyses of all global and national award programs and were concluded that there is no award program on the global level in the field of public relations that is focused on individuals, but mostly all programs in the field of awards are inside the industry of public relations with the public focused on projects if it is about individuals who worked on projects.

Since 2017, the PRO PR GLOBE Awards is the only award program in which the winners are nominated by four world communication associations: International Public Relations Association – IPRA, International Communication Consulting Organization – ICCO, Public Relations Association, and Communications – PRCA and Chartered Institute of Public Relations – CIPR.

Winners of the PRO PR GLOBE Awards are presented with unique statues of the Academy of Fine Arts students from the countries where the conference itself is organized as part of the & Business &; Art& program, which enables students of the Academy of Fine Arts to present themselves in this practical way. This year, that will be works of art by students of The Academy of Fine Arts, University of Rijeka.