
Examples from the practice of Erste Bank, Heineken Croatia and Ericsson Nikola Tesla

The seventeenth international PRO PR conference, organized by Apriori World, will be held from 10 to 13 of April of 2019, in the Hotel Katarina, in Selce, Croatia.

The International PRO.PR Conference is an event that was initiated with the idea of gathering eminent experts from the field of public relations to get acquainted with the trends, specifics and differences of the communication markets, the levels of innovation and professionalism, and to exchange ideas and experiences.

Preparations of the program for the 17th International PRO PR conference are almost done. Participation has already been confirmed by Snježana Bahtijari, Director of Marketing, Communication and Corporate Responsibility at Ericsson Nikola TeslaLjudmila Bratko GašpićHeineken Croatia’s Corporate Affairs Manager, and Dario Gabrić, Corporate Communications Officer at Erste & Steiermaerkische Bank.

These Croatian public relations experts will present communication examples from their own practice and exchange their experiences and knowledge with the participants of the conference. PRO PR is the first conference in the region that is held each year in a different country of the region, reflecting its motto “Networking in Motion”.

Organizers expect arrival of more than 200 participants from countries in the region, who will contribute to the continuation of the tradition of holding this conference.

More about the conference and its program can be found at