
Conference FOCUS: Public administration in focus

This conference is organizing the Apriori World agency. The program is in progress, and place and time of the conference will be announced at the beginning of September

Do employees in public administration and public companies communicate enough and follow the innovations that are happening in their environment? Are strategic goals implemented in the area of digital communication? Are there educational channels and trained individuals in the system of implementation? How much are they focused and on the service to people? Where are they and what should they change to be even better and closer to people as a truly informative and operational citizen service?
All these are just some of the questions that will be discussed at an international conference on innovation and communication in public administration and public sector companies, under the motto: closer to people, called FOCUS.
„General public has a wrong perception about system of public administration. There are highly qualified individuals, communication specialists who, thanks to their superiors who understand the importance and the role of communication, succeed in implementing and upgrading the strategy in accordance with the present changes and seeking transformation. Unfortunately, these examples are in the minority. Our wish is to bring together employees in public administration, those who are dealing with communications and decision-makers, to open questions about internal communication, standards in public administration, digital communications, communication strategies, weaknesses and opportunities, "said Danijel Koletić on behalf of the organizer of the conference.
„We also want to talk about innovations and hear successful stories from the region, and some European countries. The aim of this conference is to create a platform that will open up some issues, connect people from public administration and give them a new vision of a communication strategy that they will bring through discussion, program and workshops. Unfortunately, numerous public administration and public companies employees don't realize that they are not here because of their party affiliation or themselves but for the citizens. They are in some way protected by the laws, and next to them, there are lives of different target groups who need a simple procedures and understandable and, sometimes, aggressive communication strategy. That's why we are establish FOCUS. This conference should connect the public and private sector because one can't do without the other. The public sector has to understand the arrival of a new way of communication in the digital age, but still due to the demographic structure, we can't forget about the classic communication channels. FOCUS as a communication platform in the form of a conference represents innovation in the area of South East Europe.“, said Danijel Koletić.